“The proposal to modify the citizenship income, hypothesized by Undersecretary of Labor Claudio Durigon, goes in the right direction because it focuses on phasing out the anti-poverty tool as an active labor policy, training according to the needs of the labor market and businesses, and strengthening the role of Labor Agencies for the purpose of employment placement of current rdc recipients.”
This is what the President and Director General of the Federation of Medium and Small Enterprises, Antonina Terranova and Salvatore Ronghi, say in a joint note.
“It is essential, in fact, to focus on training in companies according to what the needs of the labor market and of the companies themselves are, making sure that it is geared toward the acquisition of skills such that will make rdc recipients really useful in the productive reality in which
are included”-emphasize Terranova and Ronghi, for whom “from this perspective, Employment Agencies can play a decisive role in facilitating the matching of labor supply and demand, thus overcoming the clearly inadequate Job Centers.” “in addition, there is a need to strengthen the role of the National Agency for Employment (ANPAL) in its function of coordinating active labor policies and of the LPAs themselves, which need to move under a single direction that guarantees the job placement of rdc recipients according to the real needs of businesses.”-added the two FMPI leaders, who concluded, “we hope that the proposal to modify the rdc formulated by the League will be shared
by the government as a whole and be included immediately in the next budget bill to completely turn around this issue that, to date, is blocking in
unproductively as much as nine billion euros a year.”

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