FMPI, at the hands of President Antonina Terranova, has strongly compulsed the government, albeit at a time of absolute fibrillation in the political majority that holds the governmental framework, as it believes it is urgent to put on the agenda the issue of small businesses that constitute the economic pillar of Italy, generating turnover, production, economy and work for 17 million workers.
They are greatly affected by the difficult economic situation gripping Italy, but, despite this they are neglected and marginalized, while they need certain and immediate answers in order to continue to hold up our country’s economy.

In the face of escalating inflation and high energy prices also triggered by the Russia-Ukraine conflict, in fact, the government cannot limit itself to listening to and confronting only the Employers’ Associations of medium and large enterprises, leaving the backbone of the Italian economy, i.e., the Small Businesses, led by small entrepreneurs who work harder than the workers themselves without having any guarantees, on the sidelines.

For this reason, FMPI calls for the establishment of a discussion table with the government to sign a real “Pact” with Small Businesses to overcome the serious economic crisis affecting Italy, going beyond the policy of “bonuses” and implementing the reforms that small businesses and our Nation need, namely: a tax reform that reduces the burden of taxation on productive activities, a credit system that is more favorable, simple and for the benefit of small businesses, the strengthening of second-level bargaining and the introduction of the minimum wage with the concomitant reduction of the tax wedge, the reform of the contract system to overcome the category contract and give life to a sector contract also to put an end to the current contract jungle.
In order to achieve these important goals, the Federation, which represents Italian Small Businesses, has requested a meeting with government structures, representing, at the same time, willingness and prompt cooperation in the interest of Small Businesses and for the future of Italy.